RMBR, in making use of its panel of professional experts, will analyze your bills to determine whether the pricing for the services is fair and reasonable. Conducting a comparative analysis of your charges may reveal that the pricing, as compared with other provider pricing schedules for the same treatments, warrants a reduction. Access to our experts’ proprietary and public databases, along with published governmental pricing guides, will create a strong presumption in favor of a reduction.
Healthcare costs are increasing throughout the United States, largely because of one simple fact: hospitals can and do charge whatever they believe is fair. They set their own fees and can increase pricing at anytime. They file their price lists, called Chargemasters, which can include more than 10,000 items. There is no one standard as to how a hospital should charge for its services.
RMBR Individual review services are available for:
- √The Uninsured and Underinsured
- √Association and Group Memberships
- √Employees of Self-Insured Employers
- √Keystroke errors
- √Charges for medications, equipment or supplies you did not receive and for which you should not have been billed
- √Duplicate billing
- √Bundling/Unbundling
- √Unreasonable and Unfair pricing for products or services
- √Charges for the OR room that weren’t used